How we impact Africa

Supporting Artists

Lunna provides an opportunity for artists to access a mass market through the creation of digital galleries where they can display and sell their art.

Direct Farmer-Grocer Connections

Lunna enables farmers to create digital farm profiles, making it easier for grocers to discover and purchase their produce directly.

Complementing Education

Lunna offers light weight educational applets that are data friendly and can be used offline once downloaded.

Expanding Market Reach

Lunna's virtual marketplace, Jamii Soko, enables sellers in the informal sector to reach a broader customer base.

Bridging Information Gap

Farmers can create geo-tagged digital farm profiles, making it easier for grocers to discover and purchase their products, thereby addressing the challenge of information gaps in agricultural trade.

Empowering Service Providers

Service providers can promote their services on Lunna’s Service Directory. This helps overcome the challenge of limited exposure faced by service providers in the informal sector.

Facilitating Intra-African Trade

Lunna promotes intra-African trade by connecting sellers and buyers from different African countries. This facilitates cross-border transactions, contributing to the growth of trade within the continent.

Meeting Africa’s Shopping Needs

Lunna offers a convenient shopping experience that caters to the diverse shopping needs of African consumers.

Connecting the Diaspora

Lunna serves as a bridge between the diaspora and their home countries by offering information about current events, news and trends. This facilitates connections and fosters a sense of belonging.

Promoting Local Businesses

By showcasing and promoting informal sector businesses such as grocers, local food kiosks, and fashion stalls, Lunna facilitates and supports the growth of local economies.